PUO- Pyrexia of unknown origin also known as Fever of unknown origin refers to a persistent increase in body temperature usually above 38ºC for an extended period of 2 weeks or more beyond a week after initial consultation with a doctor.        

 Generally, fevers (pyrexia) are pointers underlying disease conditions either caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, cancers/tumours,  auto-immune diseases, endocrine imbalances such increase in thyroid hormones and a host of other conditions. 

In case of such incident, an in-depth laboratory work-up and radiological assessment is required, i.e

  1. Basic blood work-up: FBC, CRP, ESR, kidney function test, liver function test, ANA test.
  2. Culture work-up: Urine, Stool, Bacterial/fungal blood culture 
  3. Cancer/tumour screen: CEA, AFP, CA-125, PSA, CA 19-9, CA-153
  4. Endocrinology test i.e Thyroid function test, TPO test
  5. CT Scan in cases of disseminated TB infection, localized tumours.

 As a physician, you could refer your patient for an in-depth laboratory and radiological work-up to assist with detailed diagnosis.